Heidi Kornman

Heidi Kornman

Senior Associate based in Sydney

Heidi Kornman

Heidi Kornman is a senior associate in our employment practice

Heidi works across all areas of the employment practice and provides advice to public and private sector clients on a range of employment, work health and safety and industrial issues. She advises on a range of matters including safety incidents and work health and safety compliance, disciplinary matters including bullying and sexual harassment, unfair dismissals, workplace investigations, legislative entitlements and company policies. Heidi also delivers client specific training on a range of employment and safety related topics.

Heidi has significant work health and safety experience working with clients in a range of industries including across the energy sector, mining and construction industries, technology industry and government departments (including health and transport). She has experience assisting clients to respond to major safety incidents, navigate regulatory investigations including subsequent criminal safety prosecutions, coronial proceedings and enforceable undertaking processes.

Heidi's experience includes multiple client secondments across a range of industries to provide dedicated assistance with a variety of work health and safety and employment matters including regulatory and legislative compliance, safety investigations and company policies.