Powering Change: Regulatory readiness

A global picture of barriers to the transition

A much greater focus on cleaner energy is imperative to achieve the goal of reducing carbon emissions, and the business community plays a critical role in facilitating this transition.

Now in its fourth edition, our Powering Change report clearly demonstrates the extent to which corporates understand this and are committed to playing their part. Based on a survey of more than 2,000 senior executives and managers involved in energy decision-making we explored, in chapter 1, the technologies they are currently investing in, where they think the best future opportunities are – in terms of both new technologies and geographies, and where they expect the funding to come from.

In chapter 2, we focus on barriers and identify ways in which they can be overcome. Notably, in many jurisdictions, regulation was highlighted as a barrier to the faster growth of clean energy production, we examine this and the role governments must play in accelerating development and investment.

Chapter 2: Regulatory readiness

  • Through a series of case studies from across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, we explore these barriers and the steps being taken (or that could be taken), to overcome them.
  • Increasing levels of concern among corporates that the goals of the transition are being hindered by a series of barriers.
  • 39% of energy sector leaders believe regulation is a barrier to scaling.
  • Governments insufficiently committed to playing their part in the transition.
  • Corporates need certainty about the regulatory landscape to help them plan and build out their strategies and supply chains.
  • 40% of energy sector leaders believe that manufacturing capacity could hold their organisation back when scaling new energy technologies.

Powering Change: Regulatory readiness

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