Ashurst advises the GLA and TfL in relation to Bishopsgate Goodsyard
25 March 2022
Promoted by a Ballymore and Hammerson joint venture, the high-profile cross-boundary hybrid scheme is of strategic importance for London and authorises 10 buildings (including tall buildings) to be developed over eight phases. It secures up to 500 new homes, up to 130,940 sqm GIA of new employment floorspace, hotel, retail and community uses together with low carbon measures, 2.58 ha of new public realm and landscaping (including a new high-line style public park) and connectivity with the surrounding area. The site is heavily constrained by rail and telecommunications infrastructure and as well as heritage assets which have influenced and been incorporated into the design.
Ashurst has supported the Mayor of London and TfL since 2015 when the then London Mayor, Boris Johnson, notified the boroughs that he would act as local planning authority. Ashurst has continued to advise following the election of Sadiq Khan as London Mayor and subsequent revisions to the scheme to mitigate daylight sunlight impacts and evolving planning policy, particularly the GLA's Affordable Housing & Viability SPG and the London Plan 2021.
Ashurst led the negotiation of a complex multi-party section 106 agreement that has facilitated the release of the planning permission. The agreement addresses the operational railway infrastructure on the site and secures a mechanism for dealing with cross-boundary matters. Planning obligations secure affordable housing and viability reviews, £5.5 million strategic road improvements as well as local road improvements, safeguarding for future improvements to Shoreditch High Street station, major public realm works, significant employment contributions, affordable workspace and retail units, a mechanism for monitoring delivery and servicing impacts, low carbon energy strategy and carbon emissions reductions, public art, cultural floorspace and heritage restoration works.
The Ashurst team advising the Mayor of London and TfL was led by partner and planning team co-head Trevor Goode supported by counsel Charlie Reid. Assistance was also provided by associates Brian Cheung and Christina Achkarian.